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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Key Competencies - 26.10.12

 Using Language Symbols and Texts/Managing self
 Fantastic focus on your calender art and carnival craft – they look great and I always admire your perseverance with such tasks.

 Using language, Symbols and Texts
Cameron, you continuously impress me with your progress in your Maths – you are able to confidently show your understanding fractions. You are accurate when solving number problems. Your recent Gloss tested wowed me – you were so confident and accurate with your answers. Absolutely wonderful!! I am proud of you. 26.10.12 -

Using language,Symbols and Texts
Chloe your artistic ability and perseverance with your learning tasks in this area always impress us all. I admire your ability to come up with a unique plan and the way you work to ensure quality is achieved with your careful approach. Thank you for allowing others to view your work.

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