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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Key Competency Awards - 29.06.12

29.03 - Julian using Language, Symbols and Texts Julian, all those who have read your recent writing have have enjoyed it so much– I really enjoyed reading it. You also put together some great information around the King Fern both in your information report and on your sign. Well done

29.06 - Jordan Managing Self Jordan I have been impressed with the positive attitude you have displayed towards your tasks. You have demonstrated more focus and commitment. I am always impressed with your sporting ability and your relaxed strategic play and your communication with others on your team.

29.06- Tuscany Relating to others – Participating and Contributing Tuscany , today I watched you in our game on the courts and I was very proud of you! You participated enthusiastically, you supported others, you adapted your play to help others have success, I heard wonderful positive comments come from you. You are an asset to all within any game or PE activity that we do.

 29.06 -  Meg - Goodbye to you! You have been an absolute pleasure to work with. You are like our Kahikatea tree. Your helpful and sensitive nature sees you supporting others around you with their learning. I admire your positive 'can do' attitude, your ability to problem solve and your willingness and inclination to make a positive difference in your life and others. Your presence at Frankley School has impacted on all those you have played, worked with and learned alongside of. I wish you all the very best and look forward to hearing about your new adventures and the opportunities they bring you.

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